Tuesday 5 November 2013

Blogger problems

I am having blogger problems and cant post from my pc for some reason.I keep getting pop ups coming up and when I try to leave comments for other people when I click in the box to leave a comment I get an advertising website come it, it is very frustrating when I go to post I have a blank page, nowhere to type .Is anyone else having this problem or does anyone know how to fix it Please help!
I cant post my challenge posts
Kevin xx


Elizabeth said...

Hi Kevin, it could be your browser that is the problem so try changing to another. I experienced similar problems a year or two back whilst using Internet Explorer ... I switched to Google Chrome and have had no problems since. If you are not keen to switch to Chrome, Firefox is also a possible. Here's a link to quite a good article that may help:


Hope this is of help. Elizabeth x

Berina RGA said...

looks like some malware got installed into your PC.. Please check if any new plug-ins got installed in your browser...
Moxie Craftie

Tieva-Design said...

Sorry, but I can´t help you with your problem, but keep my fingers crossed, that you can solve it soon.


Carmen S. said...

Hi Kevin,
Write a feedback to Google what your problem is. Mostly blogging then works again.
I also had this problem already.

Many greetings, Carmen

Whisper said...

Sorry to hear you've got problems hun and i hope they get fixed soon,

Luv Sam x

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

I hope it gets sorted soon Kevin.

Unknown said...

I had that Kevin when I was on Firefox, switched to Google Chrome and never looked back, hope you get it sorted hun xxx

Sammy said...

I echo the trying a new browser, or at least deleting your cookies/browser history. A virus/malware scan never hurts either! Good luck! x

McCrafty's Cards said...

Thank you everyone that offered advice, I deleted my Browser history and Cookies and that has worked.
Kevin xx

Turtle In The Sand said...

It is amazing how we get computer help from each other. I just read the comments you received and was so impressed with our crafting community. So glad you got your pc fixed Kevin.

Claire said...

I had this problem at the beginning of the year and it was a Malware called Linkbucks and no matter what I did, I couldn't get rid! As I use Google Chrome I installed an extension called Linkbucks Skip and it did the trick - it's vicious once it gets onto your machine. Hope you can sort. Hugs, Claire x

Crafts-by-Alison.blogspot.com said...

Kevin hope you get sorted soon honey sounds like a but in the system some sort of malware not sure how to fix it I'm afraid as when this happened to me I called my little computer man in. Love Alison xxx

Squirrel x said...

Glad to hear you may be sorted Kevin - now if only I could find someone to fix my delayed appearances (sometimes up to 12 hours after posting) in the Reading List that would be brilliant! Hugs Sxx