Tuesday 29 March 2016

Thank you Candy.

Hi Everyone As a Big Thank you for all the lovely get well messages and all the lovely comments that you have all been leaving me while I am unable to craft. I thought I would give you a chance to win some Die cutter candy.
Tatty Teddy stamp & die cutter set.
Bobunni Heart set die cutters
Bobunni single rose die cutter
Bobunni Butterflies and bee die cutters.
Bobunni four leaf clover die cutter
Memory box Doves die cutters
Memory box fence die cutter
Memory box Wheelbarrow die cutter
Winnie the Pooh stamp and die cutter.
What you need to do to be in with a chance to Win, You need to be one of my followers,Please don't just become a follower Just for Candy, and No candy only blogs please. New followers are welcome to join in.
I would like it If you would add the Candy to your side bar. then leave me a comment, and I will get Heather to pick a winner out of the hat. this will run until my Birthday 29th March.
I am Happy to Post World wide.
I do hope you will join in. Good Luck to you All.
This is a sticky post and will stay at the top of my blog, for new posts please look below.
Kevin xx


Tieva-Design said...

You don't have to do this. We are all happy that you are healthy and back with us.

Creations by Shirl said...

Aw Kevin how sweet of you, but REALLY it wasn't necessary for you to do it...
Main thing you are A-okay and feeling better and getting back into the groove of your crafting. You are a masterpiece and a great inspiration to all of us... Take Care my friend~

KarinsArtScrap said...

thats very sweet of you Kevin,
it's a fab candy.
My husbands birthday is on march 26.
thanks for the change.
Gr Karin

Linda Simpson said...

Thank you for all your inspiration too. I enjoy visiting your blog to see what you have created. Wonderful candy and good luck to everyone. It is my youngest son's birthday on 30th March.
Linda xxx

The Craft Bucket said...

Bless you Kevin, so kind. Hoping you are feeling much better, love Jane x

carla said...

Wow Kevin what a fantastic candy.
Thanks for the chance to win this. He's been on my belgian blog
I regret that in recent days, not much could look at your blog and I missed that you were ill.
That's because I was not feeling well myself, problems with my eyes and it is still not resolved, but better.
I hope you feel well now.


As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

what a wonderful prize thank you for a chance to win Ginny x
My Blog As I do Rodos

Gertrude said...

Hallo liebe Kevin, ich freue mich dass es wieder besser geht, es ist eine schöne Geste ein Candy zu machen, aber wäre nicht notwendig
trotzdem freue ich mich darüber
ganz liebe Grüsse

brenda said...

How kind of your Kevin, I will pop it on my blog now, but I'm not here to win, please leave me out of the draw as I wold love for someone else to have the change.

Hope you are improving day by day, we miss you.

B x

Anonymous said...

A sweet gesture but certainly don't need!!!
Hope you're feeling better.
Hugsss, Gaby

KraftyKoolKat said...

Just so pleased you are feeling better enough to return to us.

Golden Goddess Designs said...

Glad you are a bit better! I am already a follower and shared you candy on my side bar.


Hope you are completely healed soon!


N-Eva said...

I hoping you are feeling much better.What a wonderful candy.... thank you for a chance to win <3.
Hugs Neva

riliska said...

Hello Kevin! Thanks fro nice candy!! :)

Laila B. said...

Wow...Kevin!!! Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy!!! Hugs, Laila.

Unknown said...

Hi Kevin, what a nice gesture, thank you so much, Hugs Jennifer xx

Natalie said...

Hi Kevin,
that's very nice of you. Thanks for the chance to win a candy :)

KT Fit Kitty said...

You are so thoughtful to think of us while you are suffering and recovering from your nasty fall! I hope you are healing quickly and that you aren't in too much pain. Your candy looks delicious! Thank you, Kevin! I just added it to my sidebar, and I've been following you for a long time. Your cards are always top-notch and absolutely beautiful! Wishing you the best!


Glennis F said...

Thank you for the chance to win your lovely candy. I hope you continue to improve with your health

Dora said...

Hello Kevin,
I hope that you are feel better or getting better. (on the mend?) translation give me that.
Can you give me your address that I can send you a card for your birthday? Just a question. feel no pressure.
That you want to give a candy away, you do no need to have to.
if you know what I mean.
And so pity that you can't do crafting at the moment. I hope your recovering going fast. Wishing you all the best.
thank you for this chance.
kind regards, Dora

Ardilla said...

Hi, Kevin.
I wish you good health and that you can craft again soon!!!
Thanks for offering this candy, is very generous of you.

Lisa said...

You are so sweet to offer candy, Kevin!! I've added it to my sidebar!! I hope you are feeling much better every day and the pain is gone. Thank you for a chance to win!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Наталья Деева said...

A wonderful treat! With pleasure will take part! Very useful little presents! Thank you

Stamps and Paper said...

Such a lovely giveaway Kevin and hope you continue to make a full recovery soon


Valerija said...

Hi Kevin!
I hope you are feeling much better.
Thanks for offering such a sweet candy. My little daughter (7 years old) like your Winnie the Pooh stamp very much. So I have my fingers crossed!
I shared your candy on my sidebar.
Hugs, Valerija

Annettes Hobby Rosettes said...

Oh Wow Kevin, what a wonderful guesture. Super.
Hope you get back to crafting soon. Best wishes.

Rebecca/Sydney's Sentiments said...

What a fabulous candy Kevin! Thanks so much for a chance to win it...this is very sweet of you!

Robin said...

Awe how sweet of you to offer such a wonderful candy! Thanks for a chance to win! Hugs, Robin

Unknown said...

Aww how sweet of you Kevin! We are all wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you are on the mend! I'll pop your candy pic in my side bar now - thanks so much for the chance to win it! Take care and rest up!
Lucy x

Suman Pandit said...

Hope you are feeling better Kevin !!wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery, thank you for the awesome candy, it is on the sidebar on my blog !!

Donna Ellis said...

So glad you are beginning to feel a little better, Kevin. Sending healing thoughts your way. Hugs, de

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

First, Happy Early Birthday to you, and secondly, sorry to hear you've been sick. I've been out of touch for a while. Thanks for a chance at the candy.

Chrissy said...

Hope you feeling a bit brighter Kevin and on the mend..What a fabulous candy and thank you so very much for the chance to win it..


Eemeli said...

That is a one fab-looking candy stash there. Thank you for your generosity, I will definitely be keeping my fingers crossed.


Jenny L said...

Hi Kevin,
the crafting world is very caring world, and we are all very happy to wish you a speedy recovery without any candy, but this is very generous of you.
Thank you.
I do hope your are continuing to improve, and your feeling so much better.
Crafty Best Get Well Wishes. Jenny L.

Tinka's paper wonderlland said...

I'm happy that you are ok and that you are recuperating and geting back to crafting!!
I realy love watch your cards cause they are so adorablle!!
Thank you for the chanse on winning your great candy, you are werry genuros, I will put you candy photo on my sidebar!!
♥Hugs Valentina♥

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

I really hope that you're on the mend Kevin after that nasty fall. It's really kind of you to give us all a chance to win your blog candy, thank you. Sandma :)

Pamellia said...

Just dropped in to say it's so nice to see you back on your blog. I do hope you are recovering well. hugs :)

mags said...

This is very generous of you Kevin. Hope you are recovering well.

Un Arcobaleno di Colori said...

Oh Kevin... So happy you'r back with us! I hope you feel better now!
Thank you so much for this great opportunity! The giveaway is amazing but I know we all love to follow you for your beautiful and inspiring creations... :-)
Thank you so much!
Hugs and Smiles :-)

Kath said...

Thank you for the chance of winning this lovely candy.
I hope you're soon on the mend.
Kath x

Teresa Arsenault said...

How generous of you, Kevin. Thank you. I hope you are healing up well. It must be hard not to be able to craft. Maybe you will have to teach Heather and supervise her work so you can vicariously make your designs through your lady love.

Of course you know I am a follower and long time fan of yours. I haven't commented much in the last little while as I have been especially busy with a new puppy and, just before that, planning my husband's 60th surprise birthday party.

Hugs from Canada,

Leanne said...

Old follower but not a regular blogger. Hope you get well & get back to crafting soon. Posted on my blog sidebar.

Silvis Kreativstube said...

Hallo lieber Kevin,

vielen Dank für dieses wundervolle Candy. Ich bin ja schon eine Weile dein Follower. Es freut mich das es die wieder besser geht. Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende. Ganz liebe Grüße Hugs Silvi

Margarets designer cards said...

That's very kind of you, you did not have to do this, I hope you can add my name into the box.
Hope it won't be long before you can craft

Clair Matthews said...

So very kind of you kevin! I hope you are heeling well. Clair xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

I hope you could return soon to make your wonderful cards! Thanks for the chance in this candy, it's a very sweet tought

Carole Pollard said...

So kind Kevin just hope you are improving every day love and hugs Carole x

Stampsnob. said...

I am adding your candy to my blog and my wish for you is to heal with no after effects .........Lis

Tkat said...

thanks for the chance. :) hope you stay healthy :)

Wendy L said...

This is very generous candy Kevin, thank you, xxx

Mervi said...

You are so kind, thanks for this chance;-))m

Margreet said...

So glad you're feeling better now...thank you for the chance to win this candy...did you see I have blogcandy too?
xxx Margreet

Olenkaja said...

I hoping you are feeling much better.
My mother have a Birthday 29. March too ;)
Thank you for the chance to win :)
I added to olenkaja.blogspot.com
Hugs :)

Vicky (Fabulous Crafts) said...

Mr Kevin,
I am now a follower of your blog and put the candy picture on my blog.
Thank you,

Lena said...

What a wonderful bunch of goodies. I've been a follower of your blog for quite some time now, Kevin, and always look forward to your blog posts. Hoping you will feel better soon and start blogging again. Thanks so much to Heather for keeping your lovely cards coming. I see that you're an Aries :-) I am too, my birthday is on the 31st of March. Big joke in my family as I was almost born on April Fool's Day. I missed it just by 20 minutes :-) Anyway, thank you for the chance to win your lovely candy and continued good wishes for a speedy recovery!

Dr Sonia S V said...

You are such a generous soul Kevin
So glad to hear you are on the mend
Thank you so much for a chance to win such awesome goodies.Am your old follower.Have posted about your giveaway on my blog sidebar to send you some more traffic
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts School Projects

Dr Sonia S V said...

PS : I am having a celebration on my blog...please do drop in when you can.Here is the link : 5 Million Page-views Celebration

aussie aNNie said...

Candy is not necessary as your health means more....sending hugs.xxxcxc

Adriana said...

Hllo Kevin,
via via kwam ik op jou blog uit:)
wat een mooie creaties maak je:)
ik ben gelijk volger geworden, en ik wil gelijk van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om met jou candy mee te doen.
Groetjes Adriana


cotnob said...

I hope you are on the mend Kevin and will soon be back to normal.
Thank you for the chance to win your fabulous candy, you are very generous.

SusanLotus said...

I did find you via Brenda and I scrolled down your cards.
They are beautiful. I need all inspiration I can get to learn more.

I also hope you feel better after your horrible accident.

Best wishes from
Sussie in Sweden

aa_dorota said...

Cudowny zestaw cukierków. Z ikazji nadchodzących urodzin życzę Ci Wszystkiego Twórczego!

Fikreta said...

Dear Kevin
I hope as we all here in the blogland that you will recover very soon!
I agree with Annie,the health is more important.
Take your time to heal.
I hope you will be back to crafting very soon and you will share with us your beautiful creations!
lots of hugs

Regina said...

Kevin, so glad to hear that you're feeling better!
That's an awesome collection of goodies you're giving away! I have my fingers crossed.
I’ve added your candy in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance!
sending all best wishes and big hugs!

Unknown said...

Hallo lieber Kevin,
ich freue mich das es dir langsam wieder besser geht und du auf dem Wege der Genesung bist,schön das du an uns denkst und uns so ein tolles Candy schenkst,ich bin gerne auf deiner Seite und bewundere deine Werke,hab noch einen schönen Abend und
ganz liebe Grüße von Ulrike

Christi said...

Hope you are back to your old self soon and we get to see your beautiful creations!

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful birthday candy Kevin.
I addet it on my sidebar, thanks for the chance to win.
Blessings, Elly

A-len-ka said...

Wonderful birthday candy! I'm happy to became a new follower, and I put a picture on the sidebar of my blog http://a-len-ka.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the chance to win and best-best wishes!


Gorgeous and fabulous candy thank you for the chance and hope you are feeling better soon Kevin take care
Dianne xx :)

Karen P said...

First off thank you Kevin. I hope you know that you don't have to do this, you are a lovely gentleman and everyone speaks so very well of you.
I hope your are starting to mend now. I'm not sure how long the body would take before starting to heal.
However I have added your Birthday Candy to the LHS on my blog and hope you will be able to and enjoy creating again very soon Karen x

Marlene Atkinson said...

Hi Kevin, This is very nice of you to offer the winner all these lovely goodies. Hope you continue your recovery . Marlene

scrappymo! said...

Already a follower and have posted your candy to my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely gift.
Hope you are feeling a bit better now...

Monika Reeck said...

I knew you since long
and because you ask to be follower I follow you today
not only because the candy
I like to visit you time to time too
and you are so kind to offering that lovely candy
maybe many ladies want to win
if you separate to bee 3 candies maybe all ladies will smile big
also 3 winners not only one Kevin.
its only an idea that come to my brain cause you have so many fan..and nearly all ladies..
great blog you have Kevin and my son has name also Kevin and the second one is Adrian
crafty hugs

PS: we have a new challenge blog I and Lilian would you mind to visit our new challenge blog Kevin?

Denise Bryant said...

Glad you are on the mend, Kevin! Thanks so much for the chance to win a fabulous prize package!
My birthday is this month also. Wishing you a happy and healthy year ahead!

Carrie said...

Kevin, thank you so much for the chance to win your wonderful prize! Fantastic assortment of dies! I hope you will be back to good health and crafting very soon! I saw your blog candy picture on KT Fit Kitty's wall and followed it back here. So glad to have found you! I am now a follower and have your picture posted on my blog. I am trying to reach 100 followers (currently at 91) and would be honored if you followed my blog at http://carriescustomcards.blogspot.com.

Martuszka said...

Get well soon. Happy Birthday :)

Olga Fink said...

That is very kind of you Kevin! It's a great prize! and I really wish you well! I'm happy that you are doing better!
xoxo Olga

Migdalia said...

Hi Kevin,
You did not have to do this..bless your heart my friend.
I posted it on my blog's sidebar under giveaways!
Have a blessed day,
Crafting With Creative M

*Urška* said...

Dragi Kevin!
Pravijo,da se ne vošči v naprej za rojstni dan.Zato bom tudi jaz malo še počakala :)
Pripravil s res mikaven bonbonček in vesela sem,da lahko sodelujem.Rada prihajam na obisk v tvoj blog.Vedno znova in znova občudujem tvoje mojstrovine.Neverjeten ustvarjalec si.Moj poklon!!!
Hvala za možnost in upam,da bo sreča na moji strani.Tudi moja hči praznuje v mesecu marcu rojstni dan in obe bi bili zelo veseli nagrade.
Pošiljam ti lep pozdrav iz prelepe deželice Slovenije na sončni strani Alp :)

Gibmiss said...

Nice to see you back Kevin... Fabulous card...
Hugs Sylvie xx

Misu said...

Happy Birthday. Wonderful birthday candy! :)

GHAZALA said...

Gorgeous and fabulous candy thank you for the chance

Lozzy said...

Thank you Kevin. All what really matters is that you fit and well again soon..Hugs Lozzy x

Unknown said...

happy to hear you back to blog being well again. wish you healthy years to come. We same same month. Infact today is my Birthday. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Unknown said...

Thank you for chance, Kevin! Hope you feel better! With big pleasure join to your candy http://scrap-life-of-julie.blogspot.ru

Sidelle Menon said...

Thank you so much Kevin!I'm one of your old followers.Hope you are better now.Do take care,i've posted the pic in my sidebar too!love your work

Gio said...

Hi Kevin! Hope you're feeling better.
Fabulous candy. Thanks so much for a chance to win it.

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Morning Kevin, nice to pop over to meet you on your blog and become your latest follower. Sorry its taken me a bit of time to do that. Lovely candy prize but I will leave it for others to win....

It would have been my Dads birthday on the 28th March, mine is on 10th March.

Look forward to hearing from you over on my blog again very soon.

Crafty hugs Pen x

Pam said...

How very kind of you! We are just happy you are feeling better and creating again!

Tina said...

I have so much fun rolling thru your amazing creations Kevin...thank you for the inspiration, and visiting me on my blog and leaving me some lovely comments. Thank you for the chance to win


ruth..chen;-)) said...

was für ein schönes candy, lieber kevin....schön, dass es dir wieder besser geht....deine karten sind immer so wundervoll, ich komme immer wieder gern bei dir schauen...
nochmals ganz liebe grüsse...

Unknown said...

Thank you for chance, Kevin! Hope you feel better! With big pleasure join to your candy http://nadyahandmade.blogspot.ru/

workshopmarishas@gmail.com said...

Thank you for chance, Kevin!http://handmademarisha.blogspot.ru/

Unknown said...

U r an inspiration. With heavy glasses I use to shun from all. Thanks. Lovely giveaway sorry do not have ablo g

Наталия Балабанчук said...

Kevin, thank you for a lovely candy!!


Stamps and Paper said...

Pleased you are feeling better Kevin and thank you for the chance to win the candy


Swissie said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win such a great candy! I am now one of your followers and look forward to seeing your beautiful creations.
Get well soon!

Greetings from Switzerland,

Unknown said...

Thank you Kevin for the chance to win this amazing candy!!!! I really hope you feel better soon.... Mirella DK xx

Manu said...

Happy to hear that you're feeling a little better and hoping to see your new project soon. Thank you for your lovely candy and happy birthday!

Annelies said...

Hi Kevin, I'm following your blog now! Thanks for a chance to win great candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

AndreaBastelmaus said...

Wow Kevin,
das ist ja ein tolles und schön zusammen gestelltes Candy.
Liebe Grüße - Andrea

Danii said...

I'm glad that you are better and thanks for a chance to win your candy :-)

Julye said...

Happy birthday for the 29th ,have become a follower, love finding new blogs to follow and look around for inspiration so am so happy to have found yours. Posted your candy too.

Stampsnob. said...

Nice to hear you are doing some what better It is a long slow road to recovery Prayers are always coming your way Feel Better soon..........Lis

Tina Z. said...

Hi Kevin,
I've just discovered your blog and now I've realized I know your creations because you are a DT! WOW, amazing work, really impressive ...
I hope you are feeling much better now.
Thank you for offering this great candy - I shared it on my sidebar.
Happy Birthday and have a great day,

AngeLLinA said...

Thanks for a chance to win your candy
Hugs AngeLLinA

Аленький цветочек said...

Thats very sweet of you Kevin,
My grandchild birthday is on march 23.
thanks for the change.
Hugs Alla

Olga Fink said...

Happy Birthday Kevin! all my wishes for Good Health, Love and Prosperity!
xoxo Olga

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...


Borqna said...

I wish you good health and creative inspiration!
Keep us happy!
/ I'm here for the greetings, not candy! /
Good luck!