Tuesday, 16 February 2016


On Saturday evening going outside to put the rubbish out, I slipped on the frosty pathway and went flying, I have dislocated my shoulder, chipped a bone in my elbow, broken two fingers, twisted my neck and split my head open, I have 3 stitches in my head. I am on strong painkillers that are making me very tired.
I am sorry I haven't been around to visit any blogs, but I cant leave comments at the moment, I am left handed, Hopefully once things start to get a bit better I will be able to. I have some cards I am in front with so will try to add them with some help so you don't miss the challenge posts.
Thank you to every one that have left me comments on my latest cards I really appreciate it.

typed on behalf of Kevin


Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Oh my Kevin
so sorry to read this.
Get well quick
big hug Tamara

Desire Fourie said...

Oh no, that is terrible Kevin. So sorry about your huge accident. Wishing you a speedy healing process and take it easy.
My apologies for also being missing in action of late xxx
Healing Hugs
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

brenda said...

Oh my goodness Kevin, what a dreadful fall to leave you with all those problems. You really must forget about blogland and concentrate on resting and getting better, that is the most important thing.

Sending love and very gentle hugs.

B x

Tanya said...

Gosh Kevin really sorry to hear that :( Hope your injuries heal well and fast and hope you're feeling much better very soon, take care of yourself.

Tanya xx

Stamps and Paper said...

Oh Kevin you certainly looked battered and bruised it so easily done isn't it.... i do hope you start to heal quickly , forget blogland your health is much more important...sending you a big hug

Anne x

Un Arcobaleno di Colori said...

Oh Kevin... I'm so sorry... I hope you feel better soon.... A big big hug...
Take care...

Un Arcobaleno di Colori said...

Oh Kevin... I'm so sorry... I hope you feel better soon.... A big big hug...
Take care...

Milka Gubo said...

Oh my goodness! :-( So sorry to hear that. I hope you'll get better in a speed of light. Big hugs! Milka

Tieva-Design said...

Oh my god! Kevin, all this pain! I hope you will get netter soon...

Dr Sonia S V said...

Oh Kevin fate has played such a bad trick on you ...I feel so sorry for you .Sending you lots of cheer and get well soon wishes from across the continent
Dr Sonia

Donna Ellis said...

Noooo! This winter has not been very kind to you at all, Kevin! A dislocated shoulder is one of the most painful things ever! Yikes! I hope you are soon not feeling so much discomfort. Prayers for you to heal quickly - and without any long-lasting repercussions. I must say, when you do something, you do not do it half way - you go all out - so if you can be that thorough in hurting yourself, be extra thorough in your healing - and being good to yourself. Please take care, and know that so many of us are thinking of you and Heather fondly. xoxox

Anonymous said...

Ooh my goodness Kevin...I'm so sorry to hear.
Take good care and get wel soon!!!
Hugsss, Gaby

Creations by Shirl said...

OM gosh Kevin - you sure took a flop! Hope you feel better soon, just
relax for now and take a break. I'm sure it's no fun feeling what you are feeling now. Take care of yourself first and don't worry about us in blogland! Us die-hards will always be here, LOL~ That was just to make you chuckle a bit..... Take care my friend~

KarinsArtScrap said...

o sorry to hear this Kevin a speedy recovery,

Gr Karin

julie_woolston said...

Oh poor you Kevin you really are in the wars, I hope you soon start to feel better as your injuries heal, you certainly took a big tumble, just take care of yourself.
Hugs Julie xxx

Carmen S. said...

Oh, I'm really sorry for you Kevin. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Hugs, Carmen

Golden Goddess Designs said...

So sorry for your accident! I hope you recover quickly!


Jacki Daniels said...

Kevin you poor thing big hugs and hope you get better really soon. Take thing easy and get plenty of rest

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Oh my goodness Kevin! So sorry to read about and to see the extent of your injuries. You take all the time you need to rest and recover. Wishing you all the very best for a speedy recovery. Sandma :)

Marlene Atkinson said...

Good Afternoon Kevin, oh you poor thing You have been in the wars, hope you start feeling better soon and that the painkillers will help you with the pain. Best Wishes Marlene

Valerija said...

o Kevin really sorry to hear that.
I wish you a speedy recovery.

Viv said...

Oh my goodness Kevin. Sending you very best wishes and hoping that the pain killers ease your aches a little.

Mervi said...

Sorry for your accident, hope you recover soon, looks bad!

The Craft Bucket said...

My goodness Kevin, so sorry to hear you have taken fall, my best wishes to you and a speedy recovery. Regards Jane x

Basslady said...

Oh no...this is bad!
feel better soon!!!!
sending lots of (soft and careful) hugs from germany,

silvi xoxo

Laila B. said...

I wish you feel better soon. Hugs, Laila

Birgit said...

Oh my goodness-I feel so very bad for you and I hope you will feel better soon. To put it mildly, it looks like you did a real number and those icy sidewalks are just horrible. I hope you know someone who can do the sidewalks for you. Plenty of rest is needed and even if I don't comment which is bad of me, I know, I love your work. Your sweet spirit always shows in the cards. take care

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Ouch Kevin poor you I bet you are in a lot of pain. Take good care and hope you are back crafting soon Hugs Ginny x
My Blog As I do Rodos

Carole Pollard said...

Oh Kevin this is so sad hope you will be feeling a little better soon You take care sending Love and a big hug Carole x

Migdalia said...

Kevin, I am so sorry to hear this happened to you..
Feel better my friend. Sending my prayers & love
Have a blessed day,
Crafting With Creative M

Jay said...

Aaaww you poor thing, I had a similar thing happen to me on a icy day and I know how it effects practically everything you have to do. Aw I am so sorry that happened to you and I hope that your recovery wont take too long, such a shame. I hope that as you start to heal and get back to normal, I will be able to come and view your beautiful crafting. Take the time that your body needs to heal. Aaw x
Big Cuddles to you, Jay xxx

Plony said...

Ohwwww....Kevin....I am so sorry....I hope you will feel better soon...Take care, xxx Plony

chrissy xx said...

Oh My! You are in a mess Kevin..
So sorry to hear and see the state you are in!
Never mind about visiting anyone..Just take things slowly.
My thoughts are with you both.

Paddington fan said...

Oh my goodness Kevin, you poor thing. Wishing you a speedy recovery, thinking of you and sending best wishes, love Jacky x

KraftyKoolKat said...

Oh Kevin I am so sorry to hear this. I do hope you are better soon and free of pain.
Gentle Hugs

Unknown said...

Oh Kevin, what a mess you are in, I will give you one thing, you don't do anything by half. Hope the painkillers help to elevate the pain you must be in. Keep resting and we will see you when you feel better. I am sure everyone is wishing you a speedy recovery. Big hugs Jennifer xx

Pam said...

I am so very sorry to hear about your accident and injuries Kevin! I hope you get well and feel better soon!

Gertrude said...

Hallo Kevin, ich wünsche dir gute Besserung, hoffr du erholst bald wieder und kannst wieder deine Karten machen
glg Gertrude

Pamela said...

So sorry to read this Kevin, take care and get well soon.

Pam x

Gibmiss said...

Oh Kevin ... You poor thing... So easily done... Falling... Oh! I am sorry....
Get better soon....
Big Hugs Sylvie xx

Wendy L said...

Crikey Kevin, hope you start to feel better soon, xxx

Kathleen said...

Oh dear Kevin, how dreadful for you, I hope you make a speedy recovery and get well soon.

Kath x

Fikreta said...

dear Kevin,how dreadful for you..
get well soon
lots of hugs

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, Kevin, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. Thank goodness for painkillers - I hope they are working and you aren't in any discomfort. Rest, heal and feel better soon. Thinking of you and sending get well hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Lee said...

Oh kevin you poor thing,I wouldn't worry about cards just take it easy and get better.Wishing all the best.xx

Margarets designer cards said...

Oh Kevin I am so sorry to see you like that, hope you soon recover and feel better soon,
We all have accidents and I hope the bones heal fast so you can join us again.

Donna Mosley said...

Sorry to hear this Kevin, wishing you a speedy recovery.

Donna x

N-Eva said...

Oh Kevin... I'm so sorry...I hope you feel better soon.... A big big hug...Neva

Margreet said...

Ohhhh, Kevin, I'm so sorry for you...you must be in terrible pain and shock...wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery!
xxx Margreet

Crafty Moone Cards said...

Sorry to hear this Kevin. Hope you feel better soon. Take care Sue x

Silvis Kreativstube said...

Oh mein Gott Kevin,
ich wünsche dir von Herzen gute Besserung. Es hat dich wirklich übel erwischt. Da bekomme ich Gänsehaut wenn ich deine Verletzungen sehe. Ganz liebe Grüße Hugs Silvi

cotnob said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this Kevin, you take good care of yourself and get better soon.

FiestyCrafter (Tina) said...

Oh my goodness....so sorry to hear. Big Hugs and hoping for a fast recovery :o)

Dora said...

Oh-no. That is not so good message from you. What a fall can bring....so terrible for you.
Take care, kevin and hoping that the painkillers do its work and that your injuries heal well.

Debs cards said...

Oh Kevin what a mess you are in I hope that you will soon be on the mend
and back to your crafting.
You take care
Debs xxx

anne said...

Oh dear Kevin, you have been in the wars, wishing you a speedy recovery. Anne

Daniele said...

phew Kevin thats a lot of damage for slipping over, hope you make a speedy recovery, sounds like it might take time though, take care
hugs and best wishes

downrightcrafty said...

Get well soon big hugs
Kate x

Bernadet said...

OMG Kevin
I hope you get well soon!!

coldwaters2 said...

OMG Kevin how awful you must take care and give your wounds time to heal, sending you lots of hugs and kisses
Lorraine x

Cindy said...

O my gosh kevin, this is terrible. Wish you all the best and hope you feel better soon! Hugs, Cindy

Judith said...

My goodness Kevin - you don't do things by halves! It really is so easy to fall and really hurt yourself doing nothing at all - I can sympathise - I did it myself last year jumping over a muddy puddle while out walking my dog - no broken bones for me but knocked myself out cold and had stitches in my head - and oh the aches and pains- but I don't suppose I have to tell you that! - just you rest and take care, we all know you'll be back crafting and blogging when you're able hugs Judith x

Berina RGA said...

Oh my!! I'm so sorry Kevin!! Take rest and hope you feel better soon.
Moxie Craftie

jimlynn said...

OMGoodness! Kevin, that's horrible. Hope you recover soon and please take care! Hugs, Lynn

Annettes Hobby Rosettes said...

Shocked to see you have had such an horrific accident this morning when I turned on my computer.
You look more like you were run over by a truck with the amount of injuries you have suffered due to your nasty fall.
Such a nasty horrible thing to happen and I wish you a very speedy recovery Kevin, sounds like its going to take some time for you to recouporate. Sending best wishes and hope your back to your crafting which you love soon. xx

Time to be creativ said...

Lieber Kevin,
es tut mir leid, dich so verletzt zu sehen. Ich hoffe deine Verletzungen verheilen ohne Rückstände.
Ganz liebe Grüße und die besten Genesungswünsche, Anja ♥

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Kevin you poor thing!
Thinking of you! Rest up and take care
Lucy x

Tammy said...

Oh Kevin! So sorry to hear about your accident! Please heal quickly. Sending thoughts and prayers!

MaxiBelle Studio said...

Ouch, looks painful. Hope you have a speedy recovery!

Nikki said...

Omy may you have a quick recovery that looks like a huge ouchie for sure

Kelley said...

So sorry to read about your fall! Hopefully you can get back to your cardmaking soon. Meaning, get well quickly! :)

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...

I am so sorry Kevin! That ice can be very dangerous. Please take care of yourself. I am praying for a speedy recovery for you. We will miss your awesome creations and lovely comments while you are away. Hugs. Gloria


Lena said...

Oh my goodness, Kevin. That was obviously a bad fall. Take care of yourself and do take the time to recoup properly. Prayers for a speedy and full recovery. Will eagerly await your wonderful projects.
Big hugs,

Blankina said...

Ohhh m..I am so sorry for your unlucky fall. Hope in a good recovery and that you will have good painstillers. Please take care, hugs Blankina

aussie aNNie said...

Kevin honey this is not what I was expecting to see when coming here...I am shocked you poor darling. Please don't worry at all about commenting gosh just get well, thinking of you across the miles and sending Australia warmth to heal you ....xxx

Tinka's paper wonderlland said...

I realy do hope that you will get better realy soon!!
Sending you lots of gett well wisahes and hugs and kisses!!
♥Hugs Valentina♥

Doreen said...

Oh Kevin,this is terrible,I do hope you get better soon.Sending lots of hugs. Please take care.xxx

Alison59 said...

OMG Kevin I am so sorry to read this.
Get well prayers coming your way and very gentle hugs too xx

Teresa Arsenault said...

Oh my! I hope you recover soon. You will have to watch lots of technique videos and come back stronger than ever.
hugs from Canada,

paperpapier said...

Sorry to hear the mishap and hope you will have a speedy recovery.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Oh, so sorry for you, I think you feel no good... I wish you a speedy recovery!

Jenny L said...

Oh Kevin,
you poor thing.
What an awful accident.
Sounds very painful too.
Crafty Get Well Best wishes winging their way to you.
I do hope all is ok soon, and we will miss your lovely
creations while you are getting better.
Crafty Best Wishes. Jenny L.

Karon said...

Oh my goodness Kevin - ouch!! WOW - feel better soon and rest as much as possible! hugs xx

Lozzy said...

Oh No Kevin what a fall you had..so painful. Take it easy and hope you on the mend soon...Sending big hugs...Lozzy xx

Stampsnob. said...

HUGS HUGS HUGS Kevin but I don't want to hurt you Take care you make me even more blessed I live in Florida But did have a friend here last month slip off her step ON ICE and broke her arm .....Lis

nwilliams6 said...

Kevin, this is terrible! Wow! I hope you are mending fast and in less pain. Rest a lot and I am praying for you! Many hugz and healing hugz at that!!!

Rita said...

Oh Kevin, so sorry to hear about your injuries too. You have certainly given yourself a really nasty fall. Hope you get better soon. Hugs Rita xxx

Pamellia said...

Oh my gosh Kevin, that is just horrible!! My heart skipped a beat when I saw your thumbnail in my reader, oh my word!! Please do take it easy and make a full recovery! Sending healing wishes and hugs :)

Margo said...

Oh Kevin ... such a bad fall you have made !!!
I wish you a quick recovery !
I hope you don't have any pain with the medication you recceived !

angelwhispers said...

Kevin you really did go with a bang. I hope you have plenty of family and friends looking after you. Fingers crossed for a fast recovery. Love and Hugs Chanelle xxxx

Clair Matthews said...

OMG Kevin...poor you!!! wishing you a speedy recovery. Clair x

Mummylade said...

Oh dear, that doesn't look good at all. I do hope you'll be back on your feet soon and that the pain isn't too much to handle.

mags said...

OMG Kevin. So sorry to hear about your accident. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

coops said...

Oh my goodness Kevin.You have been in the wars, I hope you are feeling better and less sore really soon.

xx coops xx

Lori Podolsky said...

OMG, Kevin, how terrible! I wish you a speedy recovery. Don't get discouraged because soreness and broken bones like this take a long time to heal (been there; done that, so I know). Keep your head up and hang in there. We need to see your magnificent creations. I hope each day brings you less pain. You are strong. talented and incredibly creative, Sending you big hugs, Lori

Sue said...

Kevin, I am so sorry to hear about your accident and see you looking so poorly. I wish you a very speedy recovery - and don't rush yourself, make sure you take all the time and rest you need, sending love.

Lizzy said...

Oh my goodness Kevin I'm so sorry to be reading this :( Here's to a speedy recovery, hope you are up and about again real soon sweetie ... take care.

love and hugs Lizzy xxx

AndreaBastelmaus said...

Oh je Kevin,
was für ein schlimmer Ausrutscher! Ich wünsche dir von ganzem Herzen gute Besserung!
with love - Andrea

Gail said...

OH MY WORD! Okay, time for you to have a winter home here in Phoenix where there's no snow and ice! I do hope you feel better soon...who would imagine one slip could do so much! Take care and stay on top of the pain with your meds. Hugs, Gail

Lillian A said...

WOWSER, when you take a fall, you really go all out, don't you, Kevin !! Wishing you a speedy recovery -- get lots of rest, so you can take up your crafting tools once again. Your creations are always fabulous and I love peeking in on them all. Take care and hibernate indoors, out of the cold/ice!

Ellibelle said...

So sorry to hear about your accident, Kevin! Wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping you aren't in too much pain!

Paper Profusion said...

Oh my goodness Kevin, you poor lamb. I hope that you heal very quickly and successfully. Warmest wishes, Nicola x

Monica said...

Kevin, sending you lots of healing wishes and cannot wait to have you back on the net. You are amazing to keep the whole show going. Admire you!!! Take care and heal quick, Monica

ruth..chen;-)) said...

oh, lieber kevin, gute besserung wünsche ich dir von herzen....ich habe mich schon gewundert, dass ich dich nicht unter den kommentierern finde....ich hoffe sehr, dass sich deine schmerzen inzwischen in grenzen halten und es stück für stück jeden tag ein wenig besser wird...
viele liebe grüsse

Leanne said...

So sorry about this mishap Kevin. Hope you heal & feel good soon.

Sande said...

Wow! That was some tumble you took and that bruise on the side of your face looks painful. I am very late in wishing you get well soon but hopefully by now you are on the mend and feeling better. Take care.

Merry said...

OMG, that is a nasty fall Kevin. Sorry I haven't been in sooner to say hi….hope you are on the mend now. Take care

Karen P said...

That's awful news Kevin I am, as always, late to comment, so I hope things are improving now. I have had falls on the way to the bin plenty of times but none as bad as yours. Take care and heal soon Karen x

scrappymo! said...

So sorry to hear of your accident. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you are in a little less pain now.

Have not dropped by in far too long...have had health issues myslef that have kept me from my usual visiting!

Unknown said...

Oh, Kevin, I am so sorry to hear this! I apologize for being so late to comment. I do hope you are feeling a bit better, and are on the road to recovery. Keeping you in my thoughts...xx

Tina said...

so sorry Kevin, I hope you are feeling better.

Carol said...

Oh Kevin. I have only just learned of your dreadful accident. I hope you are on the mend by now although from personal experience I know just how long and hard the recovery is and SO frustrating for a crafter. I send you my best wishes and a gentle hug.
Carol xx

Squirrel x said...

Oh you poor love! I think that's called doing it with style. Just you get well soon, or else. Hugs xx

Anne Temple said...

So sorry to hear about this (and not seeing this sooner!) Our friend Donna from Creative Smiles told me you had had an accident. I'm glad to see in other posts that you are on the mend. All my behind the scenes dt coordinator duties are still eating into the time that I visit friends' blogs and my crafting time. Take care.