Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Remeber the 60's with Dr Digi

In the 60's some people would buy a Veedub beetle and paint them with retro designs, these people where called Hippies, of course I am to Young to remember this lol, but my much older brother told me all about it.
the papers I have used to paper piece my Veedub is from Dovecraft Retro paper pack backing paper from same pack,ribbon and sentiment from stash, Veedub image available in store at the fabulous price of just 50p  why not pick one up and decorate your own Veedub Beetle Dr. Digi's House of Stamps'
Thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate it.
Have a great day
Kevin xx


Desire Fourie said...

Ooooh, this is just so funky and reminds me of the care free sixties.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

I am so impessed
gorgeous card
love, love love it
hugs Tamara

brenda said...

Oh yes I remember Kevin, mini skirts and the Beatles as well, from memory it was my rebellious stage and I was probably a horrid child !

Your card is a fab taken on the era right down to those funky patterns.

B x

Aunty Sue said...

Kevin this is brilliant love the papers

Doreen said...

Oh this is fabulous....Gosh yes I remember all the "Flower Power".xxx

KraftyKoolKat said...

This is awesome Kevin and certainly does bring back memories. Yes I am old enough to remember it. Lol!!!


ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card Kevin.
Gr Elly

julie_woolston said...

Fab card Kevin love the gorgeous Volkswagen and the beautiful detail.
Hugs Julie xx

Stamps and Paper said...

Fabulous card Kevin just love the car I remember the min skirts very've only got to look at my going away outfit..lOl..lOl..


Nannieflash said...

Brilliant card Kevin I love the paper pieced papers and your card design. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

tilly said...

A really great car Kevin, I can imagine you had one just like it lol....I love your ribbon and sentiments as well........Aunty Sue and LittleBo told me about those swinging 60's times as I am FAR to young to remember them!!!

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Fabulous use of papers love the card Ginny x

XxJULESxX said...

Hi Kevin i LOVE the card!!!! gorgeous and what a sweet bow!.
Take no notice of Tilly either she danced in the charleston era!!!! pmsl!!!!

Donna Ellis said...

hahaha! of COURSE you are too young to remember these things, young man. :-) As teenagers my girl friend and I spent a lot of time in a VW similar to this only our car was painted with "flower power" all over. FABULOUS card - your imagination really did a great job on this one, Kevin. I like all the "white dazzle" just above the car, and all the flowers popped up and on the paper - the paper is really perfect for your motif! Thanks for the fun memories, Kevin, AND for sharing beautiful, fun, amazing artwork. hugs, de

Jacqui's little piece of England said...

What a groovy card Kevin and I almost remember the sixties but I was a little wee for the beginning of them
jacqui x

Monica said...

Such so hippie and funky. Love everything about it.

Tammy said...

I'm with you, too young to remember but I love, love your card! Looks rather familiar!

Anne Temple said...

Love this! We called them Love Bugs over here. Love the paper piecing!

Bon Bob’s Delights said...

Love your Veedub!! Awesome card!!

Janet - aka stacky said...

Wow Kevin your card is fantastic I love how you have paper pieced the beetle the papers, the bow everything looks fab xx

Nana said...

Sure brings back memories. Love the bug. AMAZING!!
Have a creative day.
Hugs Nana
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Jayne A said...

Fantastic card Kevin

Creations by Shirl said...

Oh Kevin your card makes me smile...
Love that hipped VW it's just so perfect... Great manly card!

Jackie said...

Wonderful card Kevin, I love that retro Beetle :o)
Jackie xx

mags said...

A brilliant card Kevin and very retro.

Sherry Hickey said...

Kevin, this is right on! (Haven't said that in a few decades, lol). Fab paper! My hubby's first car was a bright yellow bug.

Claire said...

Brilliant card and love the retro paper piecing too. Hugs, Claire x

Chrissy said...

I'm too young too Kevin [ahem..]and I love your beetle all paper pieced, fabulous card.


jimlynn said...

Believe it or not, I actually DO remember the 60's! LOLOL!!!! Love your retro VW card! SO cute!

Basslady said...

i love your totally cool card so much, dear kevin!

hugs and kisses from germany,
silvi xoxo

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, Kevin, this is absolutely fabulous!! I love the papers you used for the Beetle!! The entire design is so retro and fun and fabulous!! Love it!! Have a great day :)


Irene said...

Hoi Kevin

Ich bin jedes mal aufs neue begeistert
von deinen Karten

LG Irene

Anonymous said...

Kevin love your card great image and colours. Love Alison xx

Linda Simpson said...

This is fabulous and definitely very 60's! The car is fabulous!!!

Linda xxx

Marlene Atkinson said...

This is gorgeous Kevin, love the Beetle Car,love the way you have paper pieced it. Marlene

chrissy xx said...

FABulous FABulous colours Kevin...
LOve this image too...I can just remember the 60's lol.

Michelle J M said...

Oh Kevin this is fabulous. I would never have thought to paper piece with that paper, its just stunning. Great card all round. Michelle x

Sherryn said...

this is great Kevin. We still have some of those combi nations with writing all over. Most seem to belong to young holiday makers touring the country. Have a nice day xx

Wendy said...

Fabulous card Kevin.
Wendy x

Netty said...

oooh Happy days Kev. Will let you into a secret....I had the trousers to match.......
Loving your fab card. x

Beryl said...

Great 'retro' card Kevin. Oh I can remember those days so well - which I suppose is a good thing. When I start to forget them I'm really in trouble.
Beryl xx

debby4000 said...

Oh this is brilliant Kevin and fabulous too.

Andrea C said...

Funky and cool x

coops said...

so stunning kevin.really fabulous design and colours and I love the funky image :D

xx coops xx

Sue B said...

Oh Wow! this is fab Kevin!! the papers are gorgeous and the one on the car is just perfect for the 60s vibe!! I love the lush bow.. it's very scrummy! :-)
I always think of Herbie when I see these cars… LOL
Hope you're having a good week!
Hugs Sue xx

Judith said...

This is fab Kevin - great retro colours and I love that Beetle - very authentic - not that remember any of it of course lol hugs Judith x

Lena said...

I was too little to remember the 60's but one look at your card and I can feel the vibe :) Love the bug and the papers you used on it. That bow adds the finishing touch to a fabulous card!

Bella´s Bastelecke said...

This is simply beautiful.. Love the details.. very lovely work as always..

Hugs Judith

Merry said...

A fun post. That paper you used on the veedub are perfect.

Lisa Minckler said...

LOOOOVE THIS!!!! Grooviest car on a card ever :)

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

So sweet, love the image and the retro colour scheme and that bow is fabulous
Lindsay xx

nwilliams6 said...

So retro/vintage and super fun card Kevin. I love the bright green bow and the really fun image. I sort of remember the old funky bugs (I was very, very young of course - LOL). Fun, fun, fun. Hugz!