Saturday, 23 February 2013

Celebration Candy

Hi Friends and Followers, I am celebrating as I have hit  over 150.000 page views and now have over 700 followers and I want to say a Big Thank You. I never thought when I started my blog that I would make so many wonderful friends from all around the world, I want you to know how much I appreciate your support, all your wonderful comments and of course all the inspiration you give me, Thank you.
On to the Candy.
Cute Companions clear stamp set
Dovecraft Cupcake clear stamp set
6 by 6 London line paper pack 48 sheets
Mixed pack of decorative pins
Funky floral brads
Country companions embossing folder
Pack of cream & ivory lace
Mixed bag of charms

As there are now over 100 in the draw I thought I would add an extra Candy
So that we can have 2 Winners.

Papermaina Mix & Match rubber stamp set.
6 by 6 mixed paper package.
mixed bag of Charms.
Mixed bag of brads.
5 m roll of Dovecraft ribbon.

This Candy is open to all of my followers Old and New ,It would be nice if you would add the candy to your sidebar, but you don't have to. Please don't  become a follower  just for candy, and
No candy only blogs please.
I am happy to post worldwide, to be in with a chance of winning you just need to leave a comment, I will put all the names in a hat and get Heather to draw the Winner on 23rd February.
this is a sticky post for New posts please see below,
Good Luck to you All.
Kevin xx


tilly said...

Hello Kevin
What an achievement for you with so many nice of you to offer more candy!

Anne Temple said...

Kevin, that's so exciting and a great accomplishment (but no surprise as your work is amazing)! Congrats on your numbers.

Unknown said...

Wow! Congrats Kevin! Thank you for sharing the candy... Have a blesssed day! *hugs*

Melissa said...

Wow, congrats are in order, I am sure you will get a lot more!!

mzcherub at gmail dot com

Ardilla said...

Hello, Kevin!
What a couple of milestones... congrats on your followers and your hits :)
Thanks for the chance, I put the pic on my sidebar!

Tina said...

wow congrats to you kevin...amazing
thanks for the chance to win some goodies..posted to my blog..fingers crossed

Neha Jain said...

count me in :)

Stamps and Paper said...

Congratulations Kevin....thank,you for giving us a chance to win this fabulous candy....


As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Congratulations Kevin on your hits and flowers. Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy Ginny xx

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Congratulations Kevin on your hits and flowers. Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy Ginny xx

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Congratulations Kevin for all your work and hits and folowers. Thanks for chance to win your njami candy.
Hugs Tamara

Pamela said...

Congratulations Kevin on all your hits and followers. I am already a follower and have posted candy on my sidebar.
Thank you for the chance to win your great candy.

Pam x

Chrissy said...

Congratulations Kevin..cannot say I'm surprised with all the wonderful cards you make..and thank you so much for the chance to win your fabulous candy..


ira said...

мои поздравления, присоединяюсь.

KayBeScraps said...

Hello Kevin,
congratulations to over 700 Followers..
Your candy is sooo fantastic.. thank you for the chance..

Hugs, Katrin

julie_woolston said...

Wow Kevin what a fabulous achievement, congratulations.

Hugs Julie xx

Sherryn said...

congrats Kevin, It shows we love to look at your beautiful work. great candy offer xx

Beryl said...

Wow Kevin - that's an amazing number of hits. Thank you for sharing your fabulous work and making your blog a source of inspiration.
Beryl xx

Evie said...

Congratz Kevin. Thank you for the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Kevin what an achievement to get so many page hits and followers. I would love to add your candy to my blog but not sure how to go about doing it. Love Alison xxxx

Lisa Minckler said...

Well a congratulations are definitely in order Kevin!!! What a beautiful candy offering and thank you so much for the opportunity. Your creations are always an inspiration. I'd be happy to post this on my blog. :)
Lisa x

Lisa said...

Congrats on all the hits and followers, Kevin!! So deserved...your work is amazing!! Thanks for the chance at a generous giveaway!! I have posted it on my sidebar, too!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Linda Simpson said...

Congratulaions Kevin, well deserved too as you give me lots of inspiration too. I will post on my side bar. I have blog candy too if you are interested.

Linda xxx

Unknown said...

Hi, Kevin
Hope you keeping well....
Thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy...
pssst...I have a candy too....

Hugs Kobie

KraftyKoolKat said...

Thank you for the chance to win this awesome candy Kevin. It is a pleasure to be one of your followers, you cards are fantastic and you are a great inspiration.


Tanya said...

Congratulations Kevin! You deserve every single one of those pageviews and followers - your cards are always fantastic :)

Thanks for the chance to win - I also have candy on my blog currently - please feel free to go and enter!

Tags xx

Janet - aka stacky said...

Congratulations Kevin that is a huge achievement but so well deserved. Thank you for offering us the chance to win this lovely candy xx

Wendy said...

Congratulations Kevin,a fantastic achievement...Thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous Candy.
Wendy xx

brenda said...

Well done on the milestone Kevin.

I will pop your picture and link on my sidebar to help spread the word, but should by any chance my name come out of the hat please re-draw as there are so many more worthy winners out there.

B x

Desire Fourie said...

Oh wow Kevin congrats on your awesome number of hits and followers, its testimony of your wonderful creative talent and thanks for a chance to win some candy.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

Cumbrianlass said...

Wow, Kevin, you have so many followers, it could be because you always inspire and creat wonderful cards.

Kras said...

Hi Kevin, always leap in your blog. If you can always learn new cards. Good luck to the winner.

Rose said...

Hi Kevin, congratulations and thank you for the chance of winning such lovely candy!
I'll put a link on my side bar.

Rose xx

Crafty Moni said...

Wow thats a lot of followers, how awesome is that! Very well deserved, I love your creations:) Congrats!

Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
Monica L.

moni023 at yahoo dot com

Clare said...

This is so generous I know I would put it all to very good use.

copilarim said...

Congratulations on the wonderful achievements! :)
You have wonderful creations and i love reading your blog:)!


ps: i've also added the candy on my blog:P

Judy said...

WTG Kevin! Congratulations on such great exciting!!

You strike me as such a humble guy with much gratitude. You, as much as your art, are a true inspiration.


Sonya said...

Wow,so many followers!My congrats to you, Kevin, you do a great job!!!
And thank you for the chance to win such yummy)))

Lozzy said...

think its a thank you to you Kevin for your candy and how you support us and the inspiration we get from you as all your cards that you design are always amazing.
Lozzy xx
ps have put you on my sidebar. please do not enter me into your candy as i have to much lol and just wanted to say what i have said x

Maria Magdalena said...

Hello Kevin, I would love to win these Candy! And it's nice to know you ^_^

Felicity said...

Hi Kevin, I just found your blog from What's On My Kitchen Counter. The few cards I have looked at on your blog are amazing. Really love Tilda likes Butterflies. I am off to look at more of your work and will be back soon.

Sonia said...

Congrats my friend,many many congrats^_^
I wish you many many many more followers^_^
Thanks for the chance to win a gorgeous candy^_^

Tom said...

Hi Kevin!
Thx for this great candy and the chance to win!

Margreet said...

Hi Kevin...congrats on so many followers and page views...should love to win your gorgeous candy...thanks for giving the chance...did you noticed I have blogcandy too?
xxx Margreet

Isabelle Linnér said...

Wow, what a nice blog candy. It is so nice to look in on your blog and you always leave such nice comments on my blog.
700 followers, it really is amazing :)
Hugs Isabelle

Paper Profusion said...

That's a stunning achievement Kevin to have 700 followers! Thank-you so much for chance to win yummy candy - pic on sidebar. Nicola x

Gibmiss said...

Hi Kevin Well done ... Congrats.....
Hugs Sylvie xxxxx

Merry said...

Wow, how generous of you Kevin. I am so glad I found your blog and amazing work. Congrats on all those wonderful figures.

nwilliams6 said...

Wow - this is a major testimony to your talent and heart Kevin - 700 followers. Congrats! Hugz!!!

Bad Kitty said...

so many followers!My congrats to you.
Thank you for sharing the candy.
You have wonderful creations and i love reading your blog.

Annelies said...

Congrats on your succesfull blog Kevin! I'm already a follower and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for the inspiration and a chance to win great candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Marjo said...

Congrats Kevin! It's always a joy to visit and checkout all your wonderful creations. Please don't add me to the draw...I have too much stash Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Hugz Marjo

Rosalee said...

Such a great candy Kevin. I've linked to my sidebar and I'm a follower.
Rosalee, MB Canada

Redecórate con Lola Godoy said...

Congratulations, You have very talent. I love the candys. Kisses from Spain.

Marlene Atkinson said...

What a great achievement Kevin, thank you for the chance to win, this is very good of you. Marlene

scrappymo! said...

What an achievement! You should be so proud of this accomplishment!

I have put your candy on my blog and would love the chance to win.

Your blog is a delight to read and soon you will surpass even these numbers!

Intruderlady said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and was amazed by your cards. Love each and everyone of them. Like the way you combine the colors.


Archana Joshi said...

Hearty Congratulations, Kevin.
Your work is awesome and there is no wonder that you have this many views. I love your each and every creation.
Thanks for the chance to win these yummies.
I am always so thankful for your each comment on my blog posts.
Best Regards,

Nannieflash said...

Hi Kevin, congratulations on having so many views and followers and Im really not surprised your work is just stunning and have progressed along way. Thanks for the chance to win your candy. hugs Shirleyxxx

Carmen S. said...

Hi Kevin,
Du machst so wunderschöne Karten Kreationen. Ich bin ganz begeistert von Deinem Stil die Karten zu verarbeiten.
Ich Gratuliere dir ganz herzlich zu so vielen Verfolgern. Und ab jetzt bin ich auch ein neuer Verfolger von Dir.
Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen von Dir etwas zu hören.
Viele Grüße sendet Dir Carmen :)

Jennifer Scull said...

I am a new follower, but very happy to be here. you have so many wonderful projects on your blog! congrats on the numerous followers! :)

Unknown said...

Wow Kevin what a fun candy and congrats on your 150000 page views and 700+ followers :) That is quite something, well done and thank you for the chance to win... I also just hit 500 followers today and tomorrow its my blogaversary, so getting up some candy soon too :) xxx

Teresa Arsenault said...

What an exciting candy, Kevin; but to tell you the truth, your projects are all the candy I need to keep me coming back to your blog site.

Besthobbyeva said...

I am not surprised you have surpassed 700 followers, your work is amazing!! Congrats to you!!


La Vikinga said...

Hi Kevin; I'm and "old" follower and would like to congrat you on all the followers and viewers! Can I also participate in the blogcandy drawing?

Charlotta / La Vikinga

mags said...

A great achievement but well deserved. I don't always get time to comment as much as I would like but your work always pleases. Such lovely creations.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Margarets designer cards said...

Hi Kevin
Well done that's quite an achievement, you have a lot of followers who enjoy your blog, sorry I have not been around much recently but I am now home, so can visit you more often

sue-b said...

That is quite an achievement Kevin and deserves to be celebrated, so well you.
sue-b xx

The Craft Bucket said...

Fantastic achievement Kevin, congratulations. Thank you for the chance to win some goodies. Jane x

Dannii said...

Congratulations on the large amount of views, you have always been so kind leaving comments on both of my blogs, thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoyed my candy that you won :)

Thanks for a chance to win, I'm just going to take a closer look at your blog and leave some comments (as having hopped over to blogs for awhile) Then will pop it on my sidebar. x

Lady Bug Stampers said...

Kevin I have seen your cards on many different sites and they are all beautiful. Would like to invite you to our challenge at Created with Love Challenges. I am a follower of yours and love your cards. thanks so much for the chance to win your blog candy. I will put it on the side bar of my blog. come on down and visit me as well. Happy Crafting.

Leanne said...

Congratulations on your achievement Kevin! Thanks for the celebration treat.

Joan Ervin said...

WOW!!! Congrats on all your accomplishments, Kevin!!! You have a wonderful blog with so many lovely creations...thanks for the inspiration!!!

ellyscard creatief said...

Hello Kevin, I am here for the first time and now your follower
Thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy.
Your site also is very nice.
Sorry for my English, I am a Dutch woman.
If you visit my blog I'm very happy too.
Gr Elly

Vampirschmetterlings Basteleck said...

Hello Kevin!

Congatulations to the number of followers!
I hope you get many more.

Greetings, Ingrid

sue w. said...

Hi Kevin, how fabulous for you! Huge congrats on reaching oner 700 followers of your wonderful creations. Thanks for offering the chance to win your super candy.
Hugs Sue w.

Dawn said...

Woo Hoo! Well done Kevin! You are one great Dude my friend!
Good Luck everyone!
Dawn xx

Phi said...

Hi Kevin, I've just been through some of your posts and you have an amazing talent. I havent been making cards for long and all your pieces are an inspiration. I'm glad I found your blog.

sallysbitz2 said...

This is lovely candy Kevin. Thank you for the chance of winning x

hugs sally x

Xxxxxx said...

Congratulations Kevin on your hits and flowers. Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy

Hildes Scrappeunivers said...

Awesome candy! I've been following you for a while :) Thanks for all the inspiration!

I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Hugs, Hilde

Roudi said...

Woohoo! Congratulations Kevin!
Thank you for the awesome candy. I'm your newest follower. :)

Hugs from Egypt,
Roudi @

Adriana Holanda Tavares said...

hello, would like to participate in this its conclusion, and if I win I will love every gift with great affection.



Kátia Lima said...

Bom dia Kevin como vai!!! Parabéns pelos belos trabalhos e pelo blog, também gostaria de participar do seu sorteio vou compartilhar no meu facebook, abraços e felicidades!!! Kátia.

Jorgelina said...

i really like your work i'm a new fan ;) !!
hugs from Argentina

viera- scrapbooking a svet papieru said...

Nice candy, thank you for the chance. Have a lot of new ideas.

Debi said...

Gee, 700 followers, that's great but not surprising considering your fantastic work. I think I'd celebrate if I had 70 followers! Kevin, I'll be happy to add your candy to my side bar for you.

Anne said...

Hey, congratulations big time. Thanks for the chance to take part Kevin, off to add you to my sidebar. Hugs x

kami_bonbona said...

Hi Kevin!
I'm a new fellower.
My congrats to you and thank you a change to win!

Sãndra V. said...

Awesome, that is a lot of page views, Not bad on followers too. I see you are up to 729. I just became a follower last week. I will check out more of your creations as I browse around your blog. You do a fantastic job on all your creations. Keep up the wonderful work and Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us.
Happily Scrapbooking & Crafting My Memories~~Sandra V.
P.S. that's a wonderful gift package.

Unknown said...

Hola! felicidades por los seguidores y por tu trabajo!! Es muy lindo y tiene mucho mérito todo lo que haces.
Me ha dado mucha alegría poder conocerte ya que aquí en España no hay muchos chicos que hagan scrap ;)
de hecho sos el primer blog de hombre de los que sigo.
Yo estoy empezando en este bello mundo del scrap y no tengo blog (ni muchos materiales, jejejeje).
Me gustaría mucho poder participar del sorteo, mi nombre es Luján y mi correo:
Gracias!! ;)

Birgit said...

This is such a sweet card. I love the little mouse and the ribbon and hearts-just so sweet

Naina said...

congrats dear for your achievements.
May God bless you loads and loads of achievements like dis

with love

ursula Uphof said...

A fantastic achievement Kevin, Congratulations!! Thank you for celelbrating with lovely candy, hugs, Ursula

Ellis said...

Congrats on so many followers, thought I already was one but not, so have corrected that! =)
I will make a blogpost about your candy! =)
Hugs, Elenor

purplecinn said...

Wow congrats! One day I hope I have as many followers as you! :)

Redecórate con Lola Godoy said...

Hello Kevin, I have a international giveaway on my blog. You can participate, the requirements are in English.

Julieanne..aka pinkjools said...

Wow...Kevin ..what a lot of follows you have..your cards are fabulous..Julieaanex

Nikki said...

Congrats on all the followers I hope to catch up to you one day thanks for the chance
hugs Nikki

Irene said...

Ein liebes hallo aus der Schweiz.
Ich habe eben erst deinen wunderschönen Blog mit deinen tollen Bastelwerken entdeckt.Mein grosses Kompliment zu deinen wirklich schönen und kreativen Werken.Ich würde sehr gerne an deinem tollen Candy mitmachen.

LG Irene

Caz said...

Hi Kevin

Fab candy...Thanx for the chance to

Hayley said...

Hi Kevin

Congratulations on your achievements and allowing us to share in your celebrations by offering such great candy.


Anonymous said...

Hola, me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, es fabuloso. Ya tienes una seguidora más. Te anuncio en mi blog:
Me llamo Arantza, y mi correo:
Un abrazo

Rosie Gustafson said...

I love foloowing your blog, you make very lovely cards. I read you are blind in one eye and you would never tell by your beautiful cards. I just wast wanted you to know how A-W-E-S-O-M-E you really are and you are a great inspiration to me.

CJ said...

Hey Kevin,
Am your recent follower. Congratulations on your achievements.Thats an awesome giveaway. It is so generous of you to be offering this great giveaway.Have placed a link to your candy on my blog sidebar. Thanks for the chance n thank you for being a great inspiration to all other crafters.


chris said...

Hello from France
I am very happy to welcome you!
Your blog has been accepted in Europe United Kingdom n°374 a minute!
Following our blog will gives you twice as many possibilities of visits to your blog!
Thank you for your understanding.
On the right side, in the "green list", you will find all the countries and if you click them, you will find the names of blogs from that Country.
Invite your friends to join us in the "directory"!
The creation of this new blog "directory" allows a rapprochement between different countries, a knowledge of different cultures and a sharing of different traditions, passions, fashion, paintings, crafts, cooking,
photography and poetry. So you will be able to find in different countries other people with passions similar to your ones.
We are fortunate to be on the Blogspot platform that offers the opportunity to speak to the world.
The more people will join, the more opportunities everyone will have. And yes, I confess, I need people to know this blog!
You are in some way the Ambassador of this blog in your Country.
This is not a personal blog, I created it for all to enjoy.
SO, you also have to make it known to your contacts and friends in your blog domain: the success of this blog depends on all Participants.
So, during your next comments with your friends, ask them to come in the 'Directory' by writing in your comments:
*** I am in the directory come join me! ***
You want this directory to become more important? Help me to make it grow up!
Your blog is in the list Europe United Kingdom n°374 and I hope this list will grow very quickly
We ask that you follow our blog and place a badge of your choice on your blog, in order to introduce the "directory" to your friends.

If you want me to know the blog of your friends, send me their urls which allows a special badge in the list of your country
I see that you know many people in your country, you can try to get them in the directory?
Please! Actively support the "Directory" by making known to your friends! Thank you! "Unity is strength"
Not need an invitation to join the Directory. Any person who makes the request is entered
New on the site
Ranking of Countries
Invite your friends know made ??
the website to raise your ranking in the Country

Emily H said...

Having a blog is so much fun! It always surprises me when I get a new follower. I don't have very many, so I definitely know when I get a new one. I thought I was already a follower of your blog, but it turns out I wasn't. I am now. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Hi Kevin!
Nice candy, thank you for the chance, count me in :)
Hugs from Poland!

Sherry Hickey said...

Hi Kevin! Congrats on reaching over 742 followers; it looks like you're well on your way to 800! I'm so glad I found your papercrafting blog when I did!

Kelrit said...

Numbers are impressive!
Thanks for the chance =)

Unknown said...

Hello Kevin, Nice to meet you:)
Congratulations for important milestone.
Welcome to my home too :-)

CaT said...

Hi Kevin. Got here from another blog and I had to join your list of followers :) I just love your cards.
Greetings from Romania-Bucharest

Jayvalikka said...

You are very generous :D thanks for the chance to win this! :D more power to your career :)

Stamps and Paper said...

COngratulations Kevin and what an achievement....thank you for giving a chance to win this fabulous candy


Bojana Iza Duge said...

Congratulations, Kevin, I'm very happy for you!
Thank you for the chance to win this lovely giveaway. I added your candy on my sidebar.

Greetings from Serbia.

Pam said...

Congratulations Kevin! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog about my card, and thank you for the chance to win your fabulous candy!
I posted your giveaway on my blog sidebar.

Chiara said...

Oh Kevin!
I'm glad to take part in your candy!
Thanks for visiting my blog.

Time to be creativ said...

Hi Keven,
Congratulations on your achievements. You are a great Artist.
Hugs, Anja

mateJA said...

How beautifull candy, as your work. Thank you for oportunity.